Monday, August 11, 2008


Dad & I have just jumped out this tiny tiny plane from 10,000 feet above Cable Beach!!
(Oh So SMALL!!!)
Just stepping out... was an unbelievable feeling!! and noisy!! But the view of the beach and the colour of the water was unreal i couldnt wipe the smile off my face!
I land way down there on the race track... somewhere down there is Noddy thinking im bloody Mad!!

Thumbs up to totally unreal experience!!

Got the video done as well... and thats awesome to watch, best part is when i come into land and Noddy & Scott have to run out of the way to avoid getting hit... Classic!

Dad loved it too... and you should see the photos, but thats another story!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

- Scotty Visits Broome -

Scott has come up to visit us for just over a week!! We've been out and about seeing the sites....

We went out to Malcolm Douglas's new wildlife park to see the Crocs at feeding time!

(Cant help but think scotty is a little scared...)

(A night out at local club Oasis)

And then made it out to the race course for ladies day!! Had a few wins then topped of the night with gaming tables and a few rounds of two up!

(Ready to Roll!!)

(The crowd from top balcony...)

(looking very pleased with the final winnings!! ....and a few under the belt!)